And here we go! Starting a new blog is exciting! So much to do, so much to say.
Oh, you may notice my wife posts in Russian. There is a reason for that… she is Russian! We have added a [translate] widget if your curious what she has to say – you should see that at the bottom of every post. Please keep in mind that machine translations are not perfect, but you should be able to get the jist of her comments.
Evia and I met in 2005, married in 2006, and now have (2) children: Gabby and Frank. I adopted her daughter Anna in 2010. More about this in the “Russian/American Spouses” area.
I also have two older daughters, Kristina and Krystal from a previous marriage.
We currently live somewhat near St. Louis, Missouri with a 121 acre farm a bit west of Kirksville, Missouri – about 190 miles NW of our house near St. Louis. We try and spend a couple of weekends a month there. More about the farm in the “Farm Life” area.
I’m an opinionated gent. I can almost guarantee you will find one of my post controversial, and probably find a spelling error or three. I love to debate things, so please don’t get mad, try and convince me that your right and I’m wrong! Just don’t be surprised if we either agree we are both right, or just have to agree to disagree.
*hits translate, picks language*
… oh…
… *snicker*
Apparently Google Translate thinks you employed Anna… and the last sentence is pure garbage when translated to fit me. =P
Better than expected though.
thanks kev for your info on planitary stuff in eve your is the only system that worked and made since i added this site to my favs and have read alot of your items take care best regards